
February 3, 1977

"If you would indeed behold the Spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one."
Kahlil Gibran

Age: 19

I knew a woman, once,
long ago,
when I was but a child.
She stood straight and tall.
Dark hair, dark eyes.
She was her mother's sunshine.
Sturdy, gentle hands.
Heart full of laughter and love.
She had children - four in all,
Loving each for themselves.
She retold stories of her youth on snowy nights,
When all was quiet.
She spoke of distant lands,
Mountains and Castles.
She sang sweet melodies in a foreign tongue.
She listened with attentiveness and insight,
Soothing inner wounds with a comforting hand.
Yes, I knew a woman, once.
Long ago.
She watches me grow
From a place above the clouds.
My mother.

Background: In my life, there were moments when I felt her absence so keenly. I still do.

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